Once again this year it is possible to turn in illegal fireworks. Illegal fireworks are often heavier than legal fireworks and can go quite wrong. It is illegal to possess, transport or set it off. Therefore, the municipality of Gorinchem offers people the chance to turn it in without a fine or penalty.
Hand in on Friday, December 27
You can hand in the prohibited fireworks on Friday, December 27, at a hand-in point in Gorinchem and in Dordrecht:
friday, December 27, from 13:00 to 16:30 at the parking lot near the FEBO, Einsteinstraat side.
friday, December 27 from 9:00 to 12:00, large parking lot near FC Dordrecht. Entrance via the Provincialeweg/Reeweg Oost.
All types of fireworks up to 25 kilos will be confiscated.
Please note; you may only bring the fireworks on foot or with your own transportation. Taking the fireworks on public transport is prohibited.
A licensed company will take in the fireworks, temporarily store them and ensure their safe destruction.
Want to know what is and isn't allowed?
On Rules fireworks you can read what is and is not allowed.